The Blog Scroll

Tuesday 31 May 2011

The post of many words... (Assessment Three Post)

SO, you want me to talk about everything that I've done?



This is blogger, you may recognise it from earlier this year when I made it. I have tried to spruce the place up a little bit, add a little bit of personality. I think it went pretty well, all things considered.

My blogger has primarily just been a place for me to ramble on about subjects that peak my interest. Hopefully the subjects that peaked my interest were of a passing interest to those that passed... But even so, I am very proud of my blog. It's only been a short time, but I really feel like we've bonded on a strong emotional level. But now is the time to focus.

Basically, I've added a number of new gadgets to the basic outlay provided by Blogger. Most importantly is my Fish. They are pretty cool... I've also added links to my Delicious, my Flickr and my csusap webspace. You can also find a link to Scandinavia in the world, which is a funny-haha webcomic that absorbed about seven hours of my valuable time one night.

Other than links there is a pretty picture of a dinosaur that I drew, IN PAINT. I'll get around to animating it eventually. Hold your horses.


When I first got a Flickr, I knew that I had to upload some of my old images. You know, the ones with the robot from my HSC Multimedia animation! But these were quickly followed by images of PANDA's! There is a long and complicated backstory to that, which I am not going to go into at this time. If you want more intel, then there IS a note on my Facebook.... I think. Following the selection of Super Panda images came the succession of Propaganda posters that I developed especially for my friends doing modern history in the HSC. The final few additions to the site are pictures from Bebo that I rediscovered upon prompting from my friend Liz. Good old Bebo... how we abandoned you.

There's not much you can do to 'customise' a Flickr account. I made some sets, tagged some images, that was pretty much it.


One again, not much you can do to personalise a Delicious account except for adding different links. WHICH IS WHAT I DID!
There are posts of St. Johns Ambulance (which wasn't really the most interesting website) and some other people's blogs. I added my own blog to the list later. Just for funsies. Other links include some interesting panoramic photography and the YOGIVERSE, an interesting youtube channel if I've ever seen one.

That pretty much wraps this up I guess... maybe I should just check how long this is...

Oh dear... that's quite a few. My bad.

Anyhoo, links now!




My Website

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