The Blog Scroll

Friday 25 March 2011

My Fishies

First of all, I'd just like to thank Aaron for alerting me to the existence of fishies. I am thoroughly enjoying making them swim laps of my extraordinarily long fishtank! Mind you, I think I'm going to have to track down a nice background for them to enjoy...


  1. Thumbs up . Oh em gee check out the pictures down the bottom of this webpage awesome face paint

  2. I'd be more impressed if once in a while a killer shark came in to show the fish who's boss.

  3. Smoke some weed, like a baws. Eat some fish, like a baws.

  4. I wanted to have the tank background as a shark, but it wouldnt let me! Animal cruelty, I suppose.

  5. I like the design of your blog. I added you to my list of MPI104 friends blogs. Thanks.
