The Blog Scroll

Thursday 31 March 2011


Now then, what this is is a short thesis upon hypotheticals and metaphors, not related to MPI104 in any way, which is a good thing because this is MY blog, not MPI104's.

Let us say that one is hired by a company searching for an individual to fill a temporary work availability. A previous employee has been forced to leave for an undisclosed time period, and it is made quite clear early in your employment that the said employee has a long history with the company, yet the time of their return cannot be foreseen. You accept these conditions because you like your work, you like the people and the atmosphere and the tasks you are required to undertake. However, your employer is frequently making reference to the employee who's role you are occupying, and you are well aware that you are in many ways simply a substitute. Your employer may appreciate you as a person, value you as an employee, but you are still just there because of the absence of another.

After a reasonable time period has elapsed, you hear talk the former employee may be returning. This information is quickly substantiated by your employer, who in their excitement neglects to note the fact that you are standing nearby as they celebrate the return of your predecessor. You begin to fear your job security, for you know that you do not have the same history with the company, or the same experience, or a great number of other qualities granted to your rapidly aproaching precursor.

What will happen? Will you simply be demoted to a less important position? Will you retain your post and watch as your rival climbs their way back up the chain? Will your employer attempt to provide positions for both individuals? How will that work out? Your role is thereby thrown into chaos by the return of a mysterious stranger.

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