The Blog Scroll

Thursday 31 March 2011

Assessment One

Here it is people, the big one, the BIG DADDY OF BLOGPOSTS. I mean, this is IT, this is as important as it can GET! SERIOUSLY!


Here we are on my Blogger Blog, as you can see, there are a numer of posts upon it, as well as a number of other features. There are:
  • Seven (7) Blog posts (eight if you include this one), some of which are INTERESTING e.g.
  • this one and this one!
  • A slightly different template. I have created a geneally 'red and black' kind of theme (because those colours are cool) and also put a bit of a 'dinosaur' spin too it what with the blog name, the pic and the scale-background.
  • In relation to comments, I have commented on a number of other peoples blogs, for example Alice's and Aaron's blogs, which is mysteriously missing.
  • Tags... I have links to things? Is that what tags mean? I hope so, because I've got them! Just go and look!

Flickr is the site where I post many a hilarious image for your enjoyment!

  • So far I have eleven (11) photos on my Flickr acount. Most of these relate to 'The Propaganda Files"
  • This link should hopefully take you to a page displaying three images that I have favorited via Flickr.

Delicious is useful in that it keeps everything in the one place. From Delicious, I can access my Flickr, my Blog, the Master Blog and my friends blogs.
That, as a matter of fact, pretty much sums it all up. I do however have to type a sort of paragraph explaining what I've gotten up too through the course though, so here goes.

After creating my blog with the help of the eseteemable Matt Barron, I spent a little while messing with the layout. I checked out some other blogs, and whilst mine isnt quite and fancy as Andrew Saxby's I still think it's pretty cool. Initially, it was green and red though... which was a little weird. I added some fish, and a picture, and I felt very proud.

After blogger came Flickr and Delicious. There's not really much you can do with the layout there, but seeing as you can pick and choose images and links, it's still pretty adaptable. I've mainly put my own pictures up on Flickr, and mainly put my own links on Delicious, but they're still pretty handy.

All in all, I think thats about it, I think I've ticked all the boxes as it were, and I think it's about time to go about sending Matt Barron an email.

Have fun, Tim

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