The Blog Scroll

Thursday 21 April 2011

Back to Blogging

Alright, so I have solved my technical issues (forgetting my password) and have regained control of my Blog! Huzzah says you all! *muffled huzzah*

Now, I have to think of something interesting to say, because otherwise you'll all hate me and stuff (which is bad) and I just happen to have come up with an interesting topic last night, people.

Now, I'm not too sure if it's just me or if everybody feels this way, but I have daydreams in which I become a superhero. Through some freaky accident or as-yet-unreported magic ritual, or ever just a latent genetic quirk that needs time to surface, I will have super powers, and it will be awesome. I am so far of the opinion that everybody has these daydreams, and if you dont then you should try it because it's cool. In fact, it's not just cool, it's
as well.

I also think that Uni students are at the perfect age to recieve such an awesome burden, because we're mature enough to know how to use it, but still childish enough want it and test it out. On the other hand, we've all come to uni because we want to be normal, we want to go through university and then get a job and do what everyone else does. If you went to uni then discovered your untold psychic potential then there's a chance you'll be seriously bummed out because you've just made a life choice and suddenly *BAM* you can't be an animator any more, because you have to be a superhero.

I think I've spoken enough now, but I just want to put it out there that maybe it's because I feel this way that I decided to become an animator. There's not many careers where you can take a dream like that and make it into something. Animation is the shizz.



  1. Define normal. *stares off into space*

  2. Normal is YOUR FACE!

    See? I just complimented you with a phrase normally reserved for insults.

    You're welcome.

  3. Ohhhh feel the bur- wait... FEEL THE COMPLIMENT! Oooooooooh!
